Welcome to YOUR Concussion Recovery Plan

WARNING: This video may change your life

To Summarize...

– Concussion is a temporary metabolic dysfunction

– Persistent Concussion Symptoms (PCS) are not due to ongoing brain injury – but rather dysfunction in other systems of the body

– These dysfunctions ARE treatable!  (therefore – YOUR PCS is TREATABLE!)

Step 1 – You need to balance your autonomic system and reduce your hyper-sensitive nervous system

Step 2 – You need to heal your gut and reduce systemic inflammation in the body

Step 3 – Rehabilitate the dysfunctional systems

Order is important – skipping steps 1 & 2 = no recovery for you.

I recommend joining The Concussion Fix Program for a step-by-step treatment framework and ongoing access to doctors who specialize in concussion.

How Your Concussion Type Determines Your Treatment

Historically, concussion was always thought to be a mild injury that would just resolve on its own if given enough time. As a result, these injuries were never viewed as important in healthcare curriculums. In fact, a number of studies over the past decade have found:

a) Most medical schools do not have concussion training on the curriculum at all and doctors and even neurological specialists have little to no training on concussion; and, not surprisingly

b) The majority of practicing healthcare professionals have limited knowledge with respect to concussion assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatmentothing else!

The good news is that over the past 15 years there has been an explosive interest in the concussion field. Between 1990 and 2008 we averaged roughly 300 scientific research studies published each year.

In 2019 alone, there were roughly 2500 publications; a 700% increase over 11 years! In that time we have learned that concussion and PCS are treatable and that prolonged rest and just ‘waiting it out’ are actually causing MORE HARM.

We have learned the role of the gut, hormones, stress, balancing the autonomic nervous system, chronic neuro-inflammation, and rehabilitation. It’s truly amazing – we have come so far and are literally able to make persistent concussion symptoms a thing of the past.


Patients receive the education they need for empowerment, the guidance they need for self-assurance, and the support system they need for consistency, accountability, empathy, and recovery.

Now for the bad news.... It takes an average of 17 years for scientific research to actually make it into clinical practice. Most practicing clinicians do not have time to be constantly reading research.

If you’re a neurologist, there is no way that you could read 2000+ articles per year on every single neurological topic out there.

As a result, knowledge moves very slow – things have to be common knowledge before they are applied in practice. This is a known phenomenon and major pain point throughout all of healthcare – research moves fast, clinical practice and patient care moves slow.

Now, think about it this way – the things we know right now, your doctors won’t be telling you until almost 2040!

I don’t know about you, but I would NOT want to wait until 2040 to be given the right guidance.This is why we created the Concussion Fix program.I started my concussion journey in 2011 both as a clinician specializing in sports medicine and as a researcher.

In that time, I have published more than a dozen peer-reviewed studies, started the largest clinical concussion network and clinical training program in the world, and treated thousands of patients with persistent concussion symptoms. What I discovered during this time was that the majority of concussion treatment is simply providing education and guidance – teaching patients:

– How to balance their autonomic nervous system

– How to improve their sleep

– How to regulate their hormones

– How to repair their gut and reduce neuro-inflammation

– How to gradually increase their memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function

– How to safely return to exercise and engage socially

– How to safely and effectively return back to work

– Which exercises they need to be doing in order to reduce their dizziness, their headaches, their visual motion sensitivity

Concussion recovery is not about waiting for someone to fix you; it’s about taking the right steps to fix yourself. You just need a little bit of education and guidance to know what those steps are and how to do it!The Concussion Fix program is designed to walk you through those exact steps. While it is true that every concussion is different in terms of symptom experience, the causes of those symptoms are generally consistent for all concussion patients. Every single concussion patient with persistent concussion symptoms falls into one or more of the following categories:

1) Autonomic Nervous System Dysregulation 

2) Neuro-Inflammation/Hormone Dysregulation

3) Visual/Vestibular Dysfunction

4) Neck Dysfunction

5) Psychological (stress, anxiety, PTSD, etc)

Here’s the thing – these categories are so intertwined that no matter which category you primarily fall into, there is likely input from ALL categories.

As such…they ALL MUST BE DEALT WITH if you are to achieve success. For example, you may have fallen into the neck dysfunction category as your primary driver. Neck dysfunction is frequently the result of chronic inflammation in the neck which needs to be addressed first.

Also, if you’re autonomic system is dysregulated, you are going to be in a constant state of stress – stress and tension tends to be held in the neck. So no matter which was your primary category, you still have to do the foundational work first. Since launching the concussion fix we have helped over 1500 people with persistent concussion symptoms for months to even several years completely recover from their concussion and get back to their lives.

The reason this program is so successful is that we help people to build their foundations and heal from the inside. For good! This is the Concussion Recovery Pyramid. This will help you to visualize the steps required in order to achieve full concussion recovery. We are not treating disease…

we are creating health.

Three Steps to Recovery!

Concussion recovery is hard. Things are going to challenge your physiology and your patience. In this section of the program we work on building your resiliency:- How to calm your overactive nervous system (light sensitivity, noise, crowds, etc.) - How to deal with setbacks - How to reduce your stress & anxiety - How to harness the power of the mind for healing - How to improve your focus and attention - How to switch from a fixed mindset.

Each of these pieces is vitally important for recovery. You can’t heal if your nervous system is constantly on edge.

Inflammation is an epidemic in the modern world. Chronic inflammation is now thought to be one of the major causes of depression, anxiety, heart disease, insulin resistance, and even all neurodegenerative conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Brain injury can increase the chances of neurodegenerative diseases and the likely culprit of that is chronic neuro-inflammation. Inflammation in our systems leads to cognitive problems, fogginess, memory impairments, chronic fatigue, sleep dysregulation, stress, anxiety, and even physical symptoms like headaches and dizziness.

Brain Injury affects our gut. In fact, evidence demonstrates that within 3 hours of a concussion, our intestinal permeability increases. Intestinal permeability leads to digestive problems, food sensitivities, and inflammation. Inflammation in the body leads to increased inflammation in the brain, and the cycle continues…

Now that you’ve built a solid foundation, this is actually the easy part. This program walks you through a number of self-assessment strategies to narrow down which system or systems are contributing to any persisting symptoms.

Usually by this point, most patients are 90% recovered – just more proof that the foundation is key!

After going through the self-assessment strategies, you’re provided with specific exercises, activities, and stretches to help tackle your problem areas. This section is covered by me. As a member of the Concussion Fix program you also get full access to a number of resources and handouts as well as access to live weekly group sessions with other PCS patients who are also on their recovery journey.

These sessions allow for peer support but it’s also an opportunity for you to engage with the course instructors and ask specific questions about your case. This allows you to get personalized attention from world experts on concussion and PCS.

The Concussion Fix also comes with groups and discussion boards to interact with other PCS survivors all around the world and discuss topics and helpful tips for your recovery. Check out the information below to learn more about the Concussion Fix program and how it can make the difference in your concussion recovery!