Knowledge is POWER!
This program is designed to empower post concussion symptom patients with information to help restore their functioning and improve their quality of life!
Concussion is recoverable. But it is also confusing. Many patients experience conflicting and confusing advice and an endless cycle of referrals to neurologist after neurologist. Imagine having the knowledge to better understand the root cause of your symptoms , and a care plan to follow to help restore your day-to-day functioning, decrease symptoms and re-engage in your life in a meaningful way! That is what we are here for!
In this program you’ll learn from, and have access to experts in concussion, concussion rehab, sleep, nutrition, and mental health. You’ll also be added to our peer-support group forum where you can interact with other people going through exactly what you’re going through.
What our data shows is that this program is EFFECTIVE! Members reduce their symptoms by an average of 50% within the first 3 weeks of joining!
If you’re already enrolled, Click on the Welcome module to get started!
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I was slow to complete the course, but I feel I am now back to normal! I wish this course had been available in 2015 when I suffered my concussion. I was well on the way to healing when I started this course. Based on what I’ve learned before on my journey, CCMI is definitely the correct way to go. Hang in there!
I enrolled in the program because I have recurring headaches, pressures, back pains, and fatigue despite the manual therapy sessions a year ago and do the exercises. I was relieved then, but I wondered why I was having the same issue now and then, and worst, it woke me up in my sleep. Nevertheless, this concussion management program is impressive. It offered complete information that helped me know the root cause of my issues, which is neck dysfunction. The good thing is, I know what to do about it and what to avoid, especially with the concussion diet and about the sleep. Therefore, it pays to complete the program; it cleared out my worries. The learning I had were excellent. Thank you Dr. Cam, Dr Paul and Melinda for being part of my journey!
I wouldn’t have ever found my way through the maze of the multiple complex confusing symptoms I was experiencing and figure out the numerous people I needed on my team to heal from this! It is literally the hardest thing I have ever done, and you were right all along, looking back I can feel that I had let a number of troubling health things slide as if they had no consequence but I was wrong even though I could get through my days I didn’t feel good in my body and there were warnings, the concussion just made it impossible to function. Everything just shut down and it was impossible to reboot without the right help. “Doing the hard things” the ones that provoked my symptoms were the way through… you help saved my life! I have been on this program for one year, when I would get stuck at a plateau I would find the next clue through your Lives or program videos or resources videos and then I knew how to proceed. I have a good team (hands and hearts) and I know I can call on you all again when the next thing happens; I am not afraid anymore. I survived this… I can survive anything and help others at the same time! I love you guys with my entire heart for this most beautiful gift 🎁
YEEEESSSS! Manon, you have been a rockstar! You showed up and YOU did the work! Thank you so much for entrusting us to be a part of your recovery journey. Here’s to a new you in 2022 :). Much love!
Manon – Happy new Year! What an incredible message. Thank you. As Cam said, it was all of your hard work, day by day you made improvements. We are so happy you have made such big improvements and we wish you the best in 2022!
Thank you to each of the instructors! I have been on this journey a long time and I have never felt this empowered before or this good! So thank you! Thank you for the tools, the knowledge, the exercises and the hope! It took me awhile to get through the course but I am so thankful I did. Thank you!
Awesome 🙂
You are very welcome.
Is it possible to get a copy of my Symptom Severity Quiz to take to Naturopath apt?
Hi Deb – I’m not sure if there’s anywhere to print the results on this platform, but what you can do is simply google “SCAT 5” and download a copy of it and fill it out whenever you like 🙂
Does this course explore POTS and are there any recovery stories around autonomic dysfunction secondary to a head injury? Thank you!
Yes it does! And yes we’ve had a number of members have this issue and resolve it 🙂
I would just like to say personally thank you for this course. You are all very knowledgable people and I have learnt so much about my condition that no other medical people ever told me as well as treatment and everything else associated with having a concussion. My symptoms have lessened greatly so thank you again and I wish your clinic all the best for the great work your doing.
You are very welcome! So glad you found it helpful.
As I said after I watched webinar, it was like a “breath of fresh air” to find someone who acually understood concussion and what needed to be done. I took the “Concussion Fix” course and took notes carefully, but felt as if I was already doing most of what was covered but learned some pointers on the way. Thanks again.
Hi….my concussion was a football and wakeboarding injury that started in July. I have gone through each area of the program. The biggest areas of challenge are activity intolerance (blood flow/dysautonomia) and Hashimotos (that I think was triggered after my concussion) and low testosterone. I have been working with a functional MD on diet (high protein, no gluten, etc), on DHEA and pregnenolone, and LDN (in addition to other nutritional support…fish oil, magnesium, creatine, b vitamins (9 and 12), thyroid support (includes zinc and selenium). I have also done 10 sessions of neurofeedback. My doctor is suspicious of possible EBV reactivation….so also using high dose monolaurin and Valtrex. I just got my most recent labs back and my thyroid ab are increasing, in addition to total IgE. I have had the flu (like actual positive test for flu) and have been sick with high fevers for 3 days after travel (so basically I have been sick with high fever, body pain, chills, headache in addition to my concussion sx for 6 day and then again for 3 days in the last month). Any suggestions or ideas you have or resources you can point me towards. I live in SC where the FM doc is good but not doesn’t necessarily specialize in concussion/TBI management. Thanks for any insight.
Hi Holman, your func MD is the best resource to conduct testing for EBV and other virus’. I suspect there also is some other GUT issues causing immune tolerance issues.
Is it possible to unmark the modules/courses? (I needed to print all the necessary documents at one time so went quickly through the modules to print everything)
I have gone in and manually reset your progress!
Thank you very much!
Hello. I apologize if I’m asking in the wrong place. I tried to do a search of the resources and groups but nothing came up. Does hot weather cause inflammation? Or sudden change to hot weather? I was doing quite well for a couple of weeks and then it got hot this week and my headaches have increased again.
I think this is on the main course page which is public facing vs. inside the platform, on the newsfeed, or on the discussion boards which are for member discussions only…but that’s ok! I’ll respond here. In general hot weather causes your heart rate to increase with lower workloads than it would in cooler temps. So if there is an autonomic driver to your symptoms…this could be a factor. Hot weather can also increase dehydration which can pull fluid from tissues and create some inflammation in joints – which can increase headaches…but this would be counteracted with increased fluid intake. Heat is also a stressor on the body so there’s that as well. The other possibility is that it’s pure coincidence!
Completed the course modules Nov 25, 22. Just did the last questionnaire. Diet recommendations really helped. Magnesium (from pumpkin seeds) seems to help reduce my neuropathy a lot. The tests, treadmill and motion sensitivity, helped to establish where I was and how hard to push. Diet, exercise, and motion sensitivity exercises critical to recovery. I am probably at 80% recovery, but have had huge improvement in lifestyle. The last 20% will come when I can eat and drink anything I want. I cut down a lot on alcohol, refined sugar, and gluten for the moment and have been doing so for months. Good luck to you all.
Thanks for sharing Phil. Diet can be a big piece of the puzzle for most people.
Hi, I came off the concussion course 60% through because I couldn’t access the zoom element which was so frustrating especially as it worked initially. Is there a possibility I could rejoin as my symptoms aren’t improving? Would the sign up fee be able to be waived? My son is going to try to help me fix the zoom issue
Hi Rosie,
The Zoom is only one component…The real value in the program is the program itself! Yes you can get back in with no registration fee :). Just log into your account and go to “billing” then “subscriptions” and choose to re-activate your subscription.
On 28 April 2023 my post-concussion symptom scale was 116/154 = 75.32%. Today, 8 August 2023 my final score was 48/154, a staggering 31.17%. I started the programme lost and confused – what was happening to me? Today I still suffer from headaches but I’m in recovery… I like that, thanks Dr Cam. It took one step at a time, consistent, committed and staying focused. I wanted to be in charge of my destiny, and I am. Thank you so much Dr Cam, Dr Hrkal and Melinda for breaking it down for me, so I could understand about this thing called ‘concussion’. It’s so mind-boggling how this affects that and so on. For all those still on this journey, ‘Please do not give up! ‘One step at a time’, ‘If you fall, pick yourself up! ‘You got this!’ It was not easy but it is so very rewarding… Quite emotional now, but in a good way. Signing off, Louise
Such nice feedback! Best of luck in your health journey.
Words can’t express how grateful I am for this program and the experts behind it. I was completely lost in the concussion recovery maze with severe PCS for 12 years before accidentally stumbling across this program. I’ve been here a year now (there is a LOT that need to be fixed after 12 years of misinformation and mistreatment!) and every single day I am SO darn grateful to finally have the right knowledge, support, and a map to guide me. I know what I am doing now, and I’m not just desperately grasping at straws anymore – I’m following the course, adding to my C-Fix “toolbox” to bring down symptoms, and doing the work one tiny step at a time – everything at my own pace 🐢👣 Thank you so much Dr. Cam, Dr. Hrkal, Melinda, and Nikki for being so awesome!! 🙌🙏
Thank you for such kind words. I love seeing you progress through the program.
hi, I’ve been away for awhile. Is there a special eye exam for head injuries?
I’m so grateful for this program as well as the Ask a Concussion Doc podcast (which brought me here). After diving into the content and recovery plan for just two weeks, I’ve already been able to reduce my flare ups, improve my capacity to do work on my computer, and ultimately see a path towards full recovery. Knowing that some people live with persistent concussion symptoms for years, I thought for sure that I would be one of them, but through this program I’ve learned that recovery is possible by taking a holistic approach, and following the guidance in the Concussion Fix course. It’s reassuring that everything is research-based and has been shown to work on many past clients. Up-to-date knowledge and dedicated individual action lead to healing!
So glad to hear you finding benefits so quickly.
Thanks! I think it helped that I was already on an anti-inflammatory diet and taking many of the same supplements prior to the accident. Listening to you talk about these topics was a big relief for me. Learning from this program about sub-symptomatic level exercise, symptom management and especially the mental health element have been instrumental in my recovery.
Glad we could help Tammy 🙂
Me too! Thank you so much Dr. Marshall!
I took exhaustive notes. There are no words to express my gratitude for Dr. Cameron laying out, in layman, understandable terms, what happens to our brain with a concussion, AND they’re “100% recoverable AND treatable” is jaw dropping to me. I had a severe concussion in 2005, fell straight back and cracked my head on a sheet of ice. Then in 2011, I hit a pothole on my bike, flipped off on to a cement sidewalk, went unconscious. And then in June, I fell and got a 3rd one, and basically, I’m debilited due to imbalance and vertigo.. I perceive this to be a Miracle that I somehow came across Dr. Cameron’s free course, introducing Concussion Fix. 🌈🙏
Thank you for this wonderful course! It has been very helpful and encouraging.
So happy it’s been helpful for you 🙂
I am so greatful this program existed by the time I got my injury.
I felt a lack of direction, information and validation from my local health care provider. I was often dissmissed and felt very lonely. I started to look for answers elsewhere. Concussion Fix has been the greatest help for me in this journey (by far). It has helped me to understand the symptoms I have and what the cause might be. Thanks to the program I stay motivated and hopeful and finally I can make appointments with the right professionals in my area.
So happy that we’ve been able to help you understand PCS more.
Thank you so much for this program. You all have helped so many people understand and get through this confusing condition. I had a concussion in 2019 and didn’t even know until the end of 2022. Been a long & frustrating journey but this program has given me so much relief mentally and physically. I’m still not where I would like to be but I have gotten so far in my healing journey with the help of this program.
Glad we could help Faith 🙂
Thank you for the kind words Faith.
I want to express my deep appreciation for the Concussion Fix course. It has been an essential resource in my journey to recovery from a concussion, offering valuable information and effective strategies. Combining this course with comprehensive concussion management at a clinic has significantly improved my progress. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone looking for guidance and support on their path to healing.
Love it Chantal 🙂
I’m so grateful for this programme! It gave me hope and purpose at a time when I was confused and scared. I’m going step by step, a tiny bit at a time. It’s hard work, but slowly and gradually I am making progress. Thank you to the team for everything you are doing! 🙂
You have put in so much great work in your recovery. Slow and steady with big impact on health and wellness. Thank you for the kind words.
I am so grateful and Thankful for this recovery program, already helped me in understanding resting was not the correct advice and that is what I have been doing from since i got my concussion more than 1 year ago.
I am ready to follow all the advice and information, and I declare my concussion symptoms will disappear.
Thankyou team again for the valuable service you provide.
Declare it loud! You got this. 🙂
Thank you for these awesome and informed
courses and resources! I enjoy this community and appreciate how the knowledge and skills shared have helped me heal and get back to enjoying life! I found out which questions to ask my health team, & which therapies were missing.
This is so great Charlene. 🙂
I had been struggling with post concussion syndrome for 3 years. I thank my lucky stars I found the Concussion Fix program because I’ve gone from being isolated, frustrated and in a very dark place to being halfway done the program and having a 50% reduction in my symptoms. I’ve gone from no hope to hope and a clear understanding that I will 100% fully recover from what I thought was never going to get better. I have learned so much, found a community of like minded people (I’ve even found a friend that lives on the other side of the world that has become a soul sister to me) and most importantly found a team of professionals that have and are guiding me through all the ups and downs of Post Concussion Syndrome. It is the best decision I’ve made for myself and the people in my life who love me. Thank you concussion fix for putting together this amazing program and team and thank you for your compassion!
So happy you’re symptoms have dropped so much already, and your attitude towards it all. You’ve put in a lot of hard work for your health and wellness. 🙂
After 3 months of debilitating PCS, I found this program and it has been LIFE CHANGING. It breaks down what’s going on, the probable causes, and how to remedy. It’s been an incredible guide for my healing process thats enabled me to begin working again after a severe concussion. My only regret is not starting sooner. Well worth the investment!
So happy the program has helped you get back to work and activities you love.
The Concussion Fix program has provided me with an explanation of what happened to me, how to manage my symptoms, and how to heal. Besides the basic program, they offer weekly seminars, Question and Answers sessions, and classes that help with recovery. This program has given me hope and direction that I wasn’t able to get through my family doctor and neurologist. I’m often on the verge of tears listening to members with similar symptoms receive expert advice from professionals who are knowledgeable and caring. I’m very grateful that I found this program because it’s changed my life for the better.
So happy the program has helped. I love seeing you in the live sessions.
The concussion fix program has helped me so much with my concussion. Feeling so much better
This is great Niels!
Thank You for creating this incredible resource.
Like so many others, over the last 5 years I’ve searched and tried many programs and approach before finding this.
I have benefitted especially from the diet and from the hot/cold applications to reduce symptoms and maybe most of all improved attitude, outlook, and confidence
This course is 10/10. I have learned SO MUCH already, and although I still have a lot of work to do, without this course I wouldn’t even know what was holding me back. My feeling is that this course is not just for getting over my concussion, but for putting all the different areas of my life back on track, and ready for whatever the future holds. Thanks so much to Melynda, Dr Paul and Dr Cam!
So many aspects of the program are great for general health and wellness. Happy you’ve learnt so much already!
This is a wonderful program with a wealth of information. So comforting to know and be able to connect with, if one chooses, the so many other people who are affected by this. We all have such varying degrees and this program helps each of us to feel important on our journey. I love that I can go back and redo completed modules – or listen to historical webcasts, it helps to keep me on track and refocus. So much information available to us all. – thank you, thank you thank you !
Happy you’re getting so much out of the program. 🙂
The Concussion Fix is an excellent roadmap to help you heal from a concussion. It took me eight years to find some of the things that they tell you to do right away in the membership. It’s a wonderful resource!
Happy it’s helping you!
I am so thankful for the Concussion Fix program!! I am a RN and work with endurance athletes, so I was very excited to learn about the newer post-concussion protocols in this course. My daughter has had several concussions in the past 10 years, and I ran across one of Dr. Marshall’s videos on the Buffalo Treadmill Test (BTT) the day after her last concussion 7 weeks ago. We were able to get in to a local neurologist who did the BTT on her in the first 5 days of injury. I also went through the entire Concussion Fix program and was able to immediately apply so many helpful things related to diet, supplements, etc. that have made a big difference in my daughter’s recovery. Thank you for putting this course together and for the weekly support calls. This course and the Concussion Fix team of experts have been invaluable, and I am truly optimistic that my daughter can completely heal from this latest concussion and from any residual damage from past injuries. Thank you so much. I am so grateful!!
Thank you for being a great support for your daughter.
Review: Thank you so much for The Concussion Fix Program, this course is exactly what you need if you are going through a concussion/post-concussion syndrome/neck problems. The way it is structured is amazing, making you understand exactly what you are going through and helping you from various angles to get you back in control of your life. I strongly recommend anyone going through a concussion to enroll in this course as soon as they can!
Review: So happy to finally find a place that can help me with my post concussion symptoms. I’m not done with the course yet but already so much wiser. I have a better understanding of where and how to put in the effort.
I will leave my comment here on how the program has helped me so far: I have improved my energy level much, I have found it helpful with Melindas part in the way that I understand better why things can be they way the can sometimes, and how to cope with it. I have learned about how food, supplements and sleep hygiene can improve things, but I still have sleep to work with a bit, I have finally understood the meaning with reaching the max heart rate in the exercise section, and I have reached it, and am now working with VOR, and looking for neck treatment, since this program has really helped me understand there is where the main issue lies for me to get the other parts in better order, finally.
I started the course couple of days ago. I was searching for help in many ways without success before finding Concussion Fix. It is a very unique program. I already feel supported even though I just started it. Specially appreciated the quiz and self assessments, which make me feel like the steering wheel is in my hands. I enjoy very much the friendliness and commitment of the team. It helps a lot. I can’t wait to get to the next and next modules. Thank you.
Welcome Anna!
My journey with the concussion program has been more than positive. After 3 weeks in the program, my symptoms had already reduced by 50%. This program gave me hope, tools, energy to continue, and most importantly my life back. I couldnt be more grateful. I wish we have clinics everywhere were which can be easily accessible and where we can find all these information. This was a game changer for me.
Ce programme a été magique pour moi et j’espère qu’il le sera pour tout ceux qui en ont besoin.
Amazing!! Love it Veronique 🙂
I want to thank the Concussion Fix team/program. It really helps me understand what is going on and to address the remaining issues linked with my concussion
Thank you so very much for putting together this program! I finally got an explanation for why I still had symptoms from my concussion 7 years ago, but most importantly how to fix those symptoms. No one else seems to understand concussion and it’s recovery as much as you three and I’m so grateful to have found you. I’m still not finished my journey to recovery as life has thrown other things at me too, but I keep coming back to this program to get back on track and it doesn’t disappoint. Thank you so much!
Review: When I (about 2 years after the concussion) thought there wasn’t much more that could be done about my condition, I found this program. It has indeed provided me with a map through the rehab-maze. It has given me knowledge, help and hope. Empowering! I am so grateful for this! / Maria
Review 🙂
I am in the Concussion fix Program for about a month and there are already positive changes in my health.
It helped me to understand my symptoms and not worry about them so much. My progress is for example that I do not have to use earplugs or sunglasses anymore and feel less fatigued. I really like the holistic and evidence based approach of the program and that you can always ask questions. I am sure I will improve a lot more in the upcoming months when I implement more and more of the recovery strategies. Thanks a lot so far and greetings from Germany 🙂
So happy you’re seeing changes already in a month from joining!
I wish I had found this in my early days. The science helps me understand the current thoughts on PCS, and the course is helping me learn how to manage myself to become as functional as possible.
So happy you found the program!
I am so thankful for the support from the Concussion_Doc over the past few years. The information presented is leading edge stuff. The content is also multifaceted so you can identify strategies from multiple disiplines (nutrition, physio, professional, emotional, etc). Perhaps most importantly, is the sense of community – something I could not find locally. Here people in the weekly zoom meetings, ACTUALLY UNDERSTOOD what I was going through. Its been 6 long years, but thanks to programs like the Concussion_Doc, I am still improving every season. Thank you ever so much for your guidance, patience and compassion.
It really is amazing when you find a community that ‘get’s it’. So happy to have you here.
I am so glad this program was referred to me , I am seeing improvement everyday. Definitely worth trying if you have been dealing with PCS.
Great to see this! 🙂
Here’s my review of the program. It’s been over 5 years since my concussion, and I got a lot of harmful, discouraging advice from other practitioners. It was very empowering to realize that most of what they said was not backed by research. Having the facts feels hopeful and empowering. Finally I have some tools to get better. If your symptoms are severe, you may need support making it through the material or implementing some of the protocols.
Thank you!
Review: I am so grateful to Dr. Marshall and his team for putting together this course! Concussion recovery is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. Chiropractor Dr. Cameron Marshall has put together a comprehensive team to help with persistent concussion symptoms. They are trustworthy, experienced, and personable. They understand exactly what you are going through and have created a step-by-step approach to tackling your symptoms, including mental health, nutrition, exercise, and seeking in-person care near you.
I have been so grateful to have a registered counselor provide mental health and mental resilience strategies specific to my injury. Members of The Concussion Fix have direct access to Dr. Marshall and his team. Weekly live Q&A’s take place amongst members with a presenting topic, in addition to almost daily virtual activities. Overall, it is a relief to have access to a group of people that know exactly what someone suffering from long-term concussion symptoms is going through, and who truly believe that you can and will recover. If you are getting lost in the ‘concussion maze’ to recovery, I recommend you join The Concussion Fix so that experienced professionals can help navigate you out of it!
Thanks for the kind words. 🙂
The concussion fix has been a great resource to help me through my recovery. I am so grateful to have found the team! I would recommend it to anyone suffering from a concussion. Thank you! 😊
Great program. I have learned a lot, and many pieces have fallen into place. Wish i had started on the programme sooner! 🙂
This program has made changed so many things for me! For the better. Not “just” the PCS but also my view in pain and life in general. It’s been almost 4 years since I crashed on my bike. I’m 60 % through the course and I can’t wait to experience further on. Unfortunately I was convinced by a couple of physiotherapists that there was no issue with my neck and back. Thankfully this program made it clear that it has to be checked properly: So I went to a chiropraktor that made X-rays of my neck and back. Which has shown that there is a lot of issues that we need to deal with.
Though my recovery is taking longer than I expected, when I started this program, I know now that it is all worth it and I KNOW things will be much better. I’ve come so fare and I’m so gratefull for that!
This program has helped me SO much in my recovery journey. I am so grateful for this program and all the information I have learned. Thank you!
I haven’t been in the Concussion Fix program for long, but as soon as I watched the first webinar I knew it was the place I needed to be. It is SO VALIDATING and ENCOURAGING. The brain is really the last frontier in medicine, and it is very difficult to find treatment as thorough as this program is. It explains a whole lot and has tangible steps and phenomenal support. I know I’m not alone in this healing journey. It’s JUST what I needed (and have already recommended it to many people! Everyone needs to know about this. It’s essential for healing a TBI.
This is the most comprehensive program found! I am so grateful for this program and a support I am receiving. Thank you Dr Marshall, Dr Hrkal, Melinda, Gilad, and all team for your support and help. My health has improved greatly since I join the program. After struggling for the last 4 years after 2 MVA concussions I finally found some help, thank you.
Highly recommend! LesiaLucyna Salamaszek
I sustained concussions both as a child & in my early 20’s. Then, 9.5 years ago in my 30’s I had a severe concussion & have not been able to work since.
It was very different 9.5 years ago, there really wasn’t much help, no one was really talking about concussion other than “go home & rest” & “you’ll be fine in 3 or 6 months”. Fast forward to recent times when concussion info is now starting to emerge & become accessible. With this, online concussion programs being directed by health professionals are now becoming available.
There are several online concussion programs out there, but I think what the Concussion Fix program provides is very unique.
In the CF program you have practitioners who are qualified to practice within the 3 components of medical, rehabilitation & psychological well being.
There is alot of misunderstanding around concussions even by professionals in the concussion field. Concussion Fix program has been the best source that I have encountered for being up to date & continuing their research in this field.
For the first time in 9.5 years I feel like I am finally getting correct information regarding concussions. Whether it be medical info, rehabilitation info or mindset/inner health support.
I found after starting the beginning modules with Dr. Marshall I was finally feeling hope for the first time in 9.5 years. Just by having some solid explanation as to what my injury actually was & what it entails has been so powerful. Understanding has given me hope & hope is amazing medicine because it changes the way you look at & approach everything.
In the program you have access to all 3 practitioners who lead the program. Either by posting questions to them within the member portal or by speaking with them directly during the live member calls in the form of both specific seminars each of them hold & also in Q&A sessions that each of them hold. Having 3 practitioners from 3 different fields is invaluable – they’re working on a common goal (concussion recovery) but because they work in different fields they have different sets of tools, knowledge, input & perspective to offer. When you ask a question within the program you have an actual team working to help you. This is beneficial in many ways – they each have a specialty so if members have a question that is specific in either medical, or rehab, or mindset/internal well being, you can get some very specific answers from someone working in each of those fields. Additionally, if members have a question that involves multiple components, you have access to 3 professionals from varying backgrounds who all bring something different to the table – on complex issues they will get together, bounce ideas & information off each other from each of their fields, have constructive dialogue & pool their knowledge & resources to put together info for the members. Once a month they hold a group call where it’s a round table with the 3 of them together on one call where members can come on live & ask questions – those calls are incredible!
In addition to the course/program itself, there is a well balanced & thought out (also enjoyable) roster of classes 5 days a week, Monday to Friday ranging from clinical seminars, exercise & movement classes, therapeutic art classes & practitioner Q&As. It is wonderful to have the resource section where if you cannot make it to the live calls you can watch the replays. These are also optional to watch/join, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed by just handling the course/program itself you don’t need to be overwhelmed by trying to make the calls & catch up on replays. The calls & classes are independent from the course, so if all you can focus on at first is the course, you can put your energy on the program first – the calls & classes will always be there for you whenever you are ready.
There are many areas where the CF program stands out. One of the most important for me is that not only is the most current concussion recovery info provided & research being shared, but the practitioners who run the program are capable of being able to explain the “why” behind the information they are sharing & are happy to do so.
It is not a culture of “We’re the practitioners – take our advice because we say so”, instead it is very much a culture of “Feel welcome to ask us questions, we’re more than happy to explain the reason we recommend this approach. We’re not afraid to change, grow & adjust our advice as new research comes out”. This part is so important for me. To see a program where the practitioners get excited to share new research coming out & are excited to share new breakthrough ideas they are developing shows that they actually care about concussion care & are invested in continuing to learn & evolve along with the ever changing & developing world of concussion research. There are no egos here & no one is stuck in their approach – this is something I not only appreciate, but also believe is very crucial when it comes to navigating the constantly changing landscape of concussion research.
I would also like to mention that our Community Manager Nikki is also amazing. She keeps all the call/class schedules & announcements organized & easy to follow. There is a lot going on in the program between the course material itself & then all the additional calls/classes & she finds a way to make things simple to navigate. She also has regular live call sessions so if you ever need any help in the admin or navigating end of things, you have the ability to ask her live in person if it is easier than writing in re: the tech/website/app end of things. Nikki is also the our lovely member cheerleader & keeps everything bright & cheery for us 🙂
The CF program is also great place if you are needing to do additional rehab outside of the CF program (ie: going for neck work, working with health professionals/in person appointments etc.). You can ask your questions in the CF program re: everything from help with knowing the right questions to ask in medical appointments, help with what to look for in specific types of practitioners & you’ll also most likely save yourself some unnecessary costs &/or being taken advantage of by products or services you might not actually need that seem to be continually marketed concussion patients.
So often we have an accident & then want to “do everything”, “go to everyone”, “buy everything that will help” – here in the CF program you can run these things by the team here & more often than not you’ll receive the good advice to slow things down a bit (it’s easy to get caught up in wanting get everything done “now” when you are wanting to feel better) & then get some guidance on what you may or may not need to do or to get that is actually practical for the situation you are in. Often we need to just start with basics & work from that (which goes against our nature when we’re in recovery mode as we want to do it all now). Starting small & working from there is a recurring theme here & I think is one of the most crucial things we can learn to adapt after this kind of injury. You’ll get a lot of help here with going slow & steady, building as you go piece by piece.
I also appreciate we have strong community guidelines & boundaries in the program. A big part of the program is mindset work & what we learn in the program is also expected of us in how we conduct ourselves when interacting in the member portals & on the live calls. We’re learning how to constructively work with a upsetting, frustrating & often enraging situation & we are learning tools in the program on how to express & work through these things in healthier ways – not just out in our real lives, but also when we interact with each other within the program. This is really unique to the CF program. Other programs I have attended have taught inner work that you’re to apply out in your regular life, but then they allow a Wild West of how we talk to ourselves & eachother within the program. I think I can speak for many concussion patients who are looking for a space where tone of the group is a tone of moving forward, rather than one stewing in our frustrations.
We’re learning in the course material how to navigate ourselves internally & what better place than to start practicing what we’re learning – right in the program itself. You’ll find that even when you see people in the CF program post about a rough day or a challenge, everyone is making an effort to be conscious of how they are communicating. Rather than applying the tools in real life, but then using the program to be a rant platform like it is the case in many online TBI groups, that doesn’t fly here. We have tools that we’re learning, so we’re expected to be using them in the program as well – it makes sense as it’s great practice for when we take those tools out in the real world. I really appreciate this. I also appreciate that if anyone is getting lost or a bit too ruffled there are people here to assist who are actually qualified to help members work though challenging feelings. Not only is the program material very well rounded to include all the correct components to recovery, but the environment here is set up for us to healthfully practice the tools we are learning.
I am still working my way through the program but to sum up my experience so far, this is by far the most professional, properly constructed & effective concussion program I have experienced.
It’s the first time in 9.5 years that I am not wishing to be able to find hope – since starting this program I actually know there is hope & that getting better is possible.
There are many more things that I could write about how incredible the program is, but you all know what the writing/concussion combo is like so I will end here.
***One piece of advice before I head out: If there is anything I can say is probably the most important above all else re: the program is PLEASE just listen to Dr. Marshall in the beginning modules of the program & listen to what he says about not skipping modules, having patience to go through & actually do everything in the program. Most of us have the tendency to look through a program & say “Oh, I know this, I know that, I heard that part somewhere else before, I already do some of that diet” etc. etc. My advice (& my plea!) is to go against your nature of “I know that already” & just start this program with a fresh set of eyes. Even if the info sounds familiar to you already, take a step back, look at it with a beginners set of eyes & go through all the parts of the program step by step as if it is all brand new info to you that you have never heard before. Go through the modules as they are intended with no skipping, passing over or jumping ahead – trust me on this one! (Oh! And *actually* do the work too!!!)***
There is no way I can find the right words to express my appreciation for Dr. Marshall, Dr. Hrkal, Melinda & Nikki but hopefully this helps to convey a bit of how I am feeling about how very special this program is. Thank you so very much to the 4 of you <3
Wow so many amazing words here, thank you so much for a thoughtful review.
Love this sooo much 🙂
After a concussion in March 2023, I struggled to find information and therapy to support my recovery. There are days I was unsure that I would improve. This program changed my healing trajectory since I found it and enrolled in June 2023. I am a healthcare provider myself and have been surprised at the marginalization of persons with head injuries in the US healthcare system. This program dovetailed into the medical care and therapies (PT, OT, ST, neuro vision, counseling, therapeutic massage) I was able to piecemeal together. Six months after my injury I returned to work and continue to regain/rebuild a healthier life.
All 30+ modules, Mindful Art, Tai Chi, Body Movement, dial-in sessions, this blog post, other people’s stories from all over the world all contributed to my recovery, one hour, one day at a time. All this provided in one platform!
I am forever grateful to Dr. Marshall and the entire team at The Concussion Fix program. Thank you for your commitment to your discipline and providing leading, evidence based information. In my personal and professional opinion you set the gold standard for concussion management.
It is my hope that everyone in this program experienced improvements in their lives. The recovery starts inside each of us— The concussion fix provides the knowledge, tools, and support for success.
Continue to heal-
I am empowered! All modules are very informative and well-resourced. It was particularly helpful for how to approach neck dysfunction and sleep. I was confused about what symptoms were concussion-related and what others were migraine-related. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this informative program. I live in the Saskatchewan prairies and have struggled to find the therapy and resources I needed for effective healing after experiencing two concussions in 2022. Your team has taught me to ask relevant questions to medical professionals that are met with curiosity (some of the time) and have mostly lead the way to positive movements forward. I still have healing ahead of me, but have the confidence to be a self-advocate, even if it means traveling to another province to find the supportive professionals I need on my healing team. I will highly recommend this program to those in need.
🙂 You got this Donna!
Hello 🙂
I’d like to thank my cell phone & the Facebook/Instagram eyes & ears for listening in on my conversations …written & spoken, as the Concussion Fix program was suggested for me and came through my feed so many times I finally listened in & signed up!!! LoL
I finished the course fairly fast, because I knew I needed the info quick! I live in Mexico half the year and needed to recover fast before leaving Canada in January 2024
So I did my best to absorb it all and here are my results!
*involved in a hit&run accident Sept. 21/2023 while working in Alberta
*went to a clinic for evaluation which was whiplash/concussion…said not to fly or work for at least 2wks
*I had 2 RMT sessions while there and felt just awful and dizzy for 45min after each appt…so I did not book anymore
*came back to Ontario Oct 14th while still fatigued, foggy & very sore
*started seeing an Osteopath late October which helped tremendously with pain as I could not get comfortable at night with a pillow etc
*I was already walking almost daily & started light movement etc…being very careful not to move too fast or dizziness ensued
*finally finished Dr. Hrkal’s portion of the program and started cutting out things. I already didn’t eat much bread products so gluten was easy, I don’t drink coffee or alcohol …my biggest problem was sugar!
*so I fasted for 5 days, juiced for 2 then drank bone broth for another 2 days AND what huge difference that made for me! I could think! I could concentrate! I felt so much better than I thought possible!!
*relapsed a bit thinking I could have a little sweet stuff but NOOOOO! I went back quickly to dizzy/vertigo, drowsiness & foggy brained
*learned my lesson and have been off sugar for the 26 days into December …no dessert Christmas dinner but decided to try a couple little things on the 27th & was ok…no headache!
*So I literally needed to hit my head into a glass window because my truck was T-boned….for me to finally stop my life long sugar habit!!!!
Thank You so very much for putting together such important information in a easy to follow (for the most part) & understandable way!!
I am 80% better but feel like I’ve plateaued …what do I do next? 🙂
Sincerely, Shannon
Sorry, I know this is a pretty long story here but also I started doing the deep breathing before bed and also was taping my mouth at night so I would purposely breath through my nose…which in turn gives you 20% more oxygen to your brain!!
Hi Shannon – thank you for sharing! If you feel like you’ve plateaued it just means that something is still missing (probably because you went through the program fast). I would say go back to the start and work through it again but more slowly! You’ll pick up new things. Pieces that often get skipped but are most important are the mental health side of things (little hack – spend a lot of time here)
So I’ve got a couple questions about MRI’s
In your experience, what can cause deep brain lesions to show up on an MRI?
Frontal and parietal …there are 12 of them
Could anaphylactic shock cause them? …from a vaccine as an early teen
what about nearly suffocating as a child? …lack of oxygen
too much sugar/alcohol over the years?
I’ve seen 2 neurologists about sudden onset vertigo back in 2017/18…..2 MRI’s and a CT scan. No conclusive diagnosis but wondering if this is causing my slow to get back to what my normal was?
I assure you, I spent my days recovering from concussion and listening to all the modules, taking very good notes and using my time off work to focus completely on this course.
I would appreciate your thoughts @ConcussionDoc
Thank You, Shannon
Hi Shannon – many things can cause this so it would be difficult to pinpoint. It’s not typically concussion-related though. Have your neurology consults commented on the lesions?
My Dr thought I had a heart attack or a stroke
Neurologists didn’t seem concerned or give me much to go on at all….they couldn’t even see the MRI on the CD the hospital gave me!! They didn’t have the program !! Does that even make sense ? LOL
Could you tell me some of the many things that could cause deep brain lesions? Would appreciate your thoughts 🙂
Although this link lists traumatic brain injury, some recent evidence compared concussion groups to non-concussion groups find the same number of lesions. Conclusion of some studies then suggests that concussion is not a likely cause of these lesions…still could be as the evidence is mixed. Just something to consider!
@shannon-blain I agree with @concussionDoc here. Those lesions could be there for any number of reasons one of which is for no clinical reason at all. AKA they are benign. Sounds like they were there well before the concussion/whiplash and you were functioning well so I don’t think they are limiting your recovery unless proven otherwise by further Neuro assessment (imaging and functional-neurology)
Hello @shannon-blain , So glad to hear that you finally were able to kick the sugar habit. Sometimes there are silver linings with injuries. Next steps are decided based on what remaining symptoms you have. Sounds like you have the diet down to what works for you and it’s good you can tolerate a little bit of “off-plan” foods. If you have headaches, pain or dizziness then focus on the neck rehab/treatment. If it’s fatigue then hormones could be the issue. Psych aspects has influence on all symptoms so that one is more challenging to decipher but if you have anxiety or depression (or tendencies to those issues) then go down that path. Usually working with experts in each of these aforementioned areas is the next step after finishing the Cfix program.
Where can I find my pre-symptom severity score? Thx
Side bar in the news feed – right hand side
I have found this course to be packed with so much valuable, enlightening and relevant information, that I was constantly learning as well as working on my recovery, which really appealed to me. It gave me a lot of hope when I seemed to have exhausted all avenues available locally (Australia). Because of the course I eventually found a functional practitioner who established that 9/10 of my bodily systems are depleted/struggling, hence my slow recovery. I also found a physio with some knowledge of concussion and working with him has also helped. Thanks Melinda, Paul and Cam for developing the course which goes some way towards addressing the dearth of knowledge in the area of concussion. Thanks also for your prompt replies when I asked questions (and Nikki). It was very affirming to have you describe some of my symptoms when no other practitioner seemed to know what I was talking about. I will continue to work on my overall health, but I won’t forget what I have learnt from this course. Thank you.
Thank you for the feedback. We are so happy you are feeling better and found a provider to work with. Empowerment is so key for us!
Thank you for a lot of relevant information and most of all a support on the mental side.
The info on diet and vitamins, hormons and sleep etc. was very helpful for me.
I do have to tell you that the exercises and stretches for the neck have unfortunately given me a huge hold in the neck/shoulder, that I am stille having after 30 days (they are creating nerve pain in my arm) and several of my therapists have said that it is not recommended to only hold a stretch for 5 seconds. It must be at least 30 seconds. So, unfortunately, I cannot recommend those exercises. But again thanks for all the other info and for giving hope and positivity.
Hi Mia, glad that you found the program so helpful! As for the exercises, they are designed to be general and those with more significant neck issues are encouraged to seek in-person care vs. relying on the exercises in this module – which you have done!
Hi all
I am from Denmark and have socialled mild to moderate symptoms according to the Doc sheet. I can work 30 hours a week flexibly
Got injured in 2011 and have tried a lot of things that worked really well – such as trigger point therapy (backnobber massage on CSM, trap etc.) that reduced my symptoms by 50% and then TRE (tension release exercise – trauma tension release) which also helps keep a good balance daily.
I am excited to go through the programme and discover, where my blind spots are 😉
Welcome 🙂
I just want to say a huge thank you. This course helped me to get back to work within 3 months of my accident. I could not have done it without your guidance. Thank you all.
This course has been life changing in many ways…THANK YOU! I was struggling and had a difficult time thinking I was going to get better. It has been a weight lifted off me and now I feel I can attack the areas of need (Meditation/Diet and Neck issues). I appreciate you very much and wish everyone the best in their recovery!
I feel a little confused. I believe I enrolled but do i get an email to confirm registration.and how do i access the program for the first class?
Hi marie,
Please contact [email protected] if you have having any issues!
Hi there,
I’m based in the UK and currently seeing an upper-cervical chiropractor. They don’t seem to be very aware of this programme – do you have any info/training that you could share with them to align my treatments? Thank you!
We have a course for clinicians which can be found at That’s where I would direct them 🙂
Hello all I am a week into the course and currently going through the recovery mindset portion. It’s been 5 weeks since the injury to the back of my head and the symptoms (fogginess, not feeling like myself) are still present. They may have improved slightly but it is very hard to tell. I have definitely been dealing with anxiety since the injury and even moments of sadness. It has slowly improved since being more educated (thanks to Dr Marshall) on the injury itself and expectations. However, feelings of anxiety and sadness are very much still present at certain times of the day. Usually in the morning. I have an appoint with my primary doctor in a week and wonder if there’s any basic tests/ questions I should bring up? Also, would talk therapy maybe be encouraged? Dr Marshall mentioned how crucial getting your anxiety and emotions in check is for recovery. But how am I sure my anxiety is not from the symptoms themselves or if the cause for the symptoms? Appreciate any input. Any resources online thru this program recommended? New to the course and still learning to navigate.
Hi Rodrigo – I think the thing to bring up with your doctor is the anxiety and depressive symptoms (on their own). Are they due to symptoms? Or are the symptoms due to anxiety/depression? The answer – we don’t know. That’s why we treat both ends of things!
Got it. Will definitely bring this up and work towards dealing with those on their own.
Hi Rodrigo, thank you for your question. Your emotions and mood are interconnected with what happens in your body, so it makes sense to feel anxious/sad about your health experience. Using the skills in the Recovery Mindset module – each module presents different ways of addressing anxiety and depression, along with other supports such as talk therapy, can be very beneficial to help disentangle experiences like anxiety/depression that can perpetuate PCS symptoms. Your doctor might give you some questionnaires like the PHQ-9, or the Beck Anxiety /Depression Inventory if they think this is necessary to help assess any mental health experiences. Often combination therapy is helpful eg. talk therapy, skill building (like in this program) and at times, medication, to help manage anxiety and depression symptoms if they continue to a source of struggle.
Thank you for the response! I will make sure to bring it up to my doctor. The modules have been helpful. I’m making sure to watch a few of them a second time just to make sure I’m taking it all in!
I I was given a $49 credit however now it says 299. Could you help me with that?
I was a psychiatric RN on a child and adolescent floor assaulted in 2005 DX with TBI PTSD neck left shoulder rotator cup chair tear. I have myofascial therapy once a month acupuncture once a month Botox injections every three months. Another diagnosis is headaches I don’t know where I’m at from dust to dark, I couldn’t find my way into the house and had to call my husband and I was 25 steps from the door going down in the store feel like the walls are closing in scanning increases my dizziness. Turns of my head increases the dizziness. I just feel like there’s a bucket of water in my head, and it slowly swishing from swipe to side , I don’t sleep at night isolate myself. I have been seeing the same psychiatrist since 2006 and he died two weeks ago and I’m grieving over that there are options but it just seems like another hurdle. I saw a neurological ophthalmologist two months ago and she ordered glasses For distance with the prism and 20% rose colored lenses. I’m not sure what they’re supposed to do as I haven’t driven had a total right hip in March 2024 and I’m in PT for that. I fell down 11 steps, 2019 dizziness and fractured my by , bye malleolus I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma Stage 3A In 2017 Bell’s palsy 2020 I’m always tired and I tend to isolate and I just want to be with my family thank you, Judy
Hi Judith, did you input the coupon code correctly? Please send an email to [email protected] if you are having trouble and she can help you out!
Hi All,
Course changed my life for the better and I don’t know where I would be without it. I was skeptical at the start and thought it was a money making scheme but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Let the course take you and commit to it becuase it will fix your problems. Appreciate it logging off now.
My final score was 41 – however I don’t temember my initial score!! 🙂 Is it listed anywhere? I had a mild concussion, but enough to throw off my balance and my vision and give me memory issues and brain fog. I’m still working with some of that.
Now, it’s time for me to move on and I learned SO much and am amazed that I actually got through this incredibly extensive program. Everyone was so patient with me and so helpful. I look forward to continuing with all that will improve my life as I move forward. Thank you for the important good you do in the world for those with mild to severe concussions! I will be referring others here if there is the need! 🙂
Hi Kala – if your score is still that high it means that there are still some lingering issues to address. I would recommend (instead of leaving now), to go back to the start and work your way back through everything slowly at least one more time. This will help to shave off that last remaining bit! To see your previous scores, go to the newsfeed and scroll down and look on the right hand side – you’ll see all scores there!
I found this course very informative and helpful in my journey. I would definitely recommend this course and I will continue to review it. I looked forward to it every day. Many thanks
High quality course. I am a neuroscience researcher trained as a UCD physiologist and past director of QA for software. Impressed with the quality and thoroughness of the course. Will need to do the treatment mostly myself, except for the passive aspect. Cautious about which PT, Chiro, Osteopathic Manipulation choices.
Hi Sean,
Glad you enjoyed it! In terms of neck treatment I would encourage you to check out two recent videos I did in the resources on what to look for in terms of treatment!
Exercise and meditation/mindfulness alone helped me so much. After lowering my inflammation and going to specialists I was able to figure out that most of my symptoms were from neck dysfunction. Mainly my levator scapula. Thanks for all the help!
Where is this Mindset Questionnaire I am supposed to download?
In Melinda’s modules
This course has been invaluable for reducing or eliminating issues I have had for decades. I had a concussion at a young age, but this course helped me realize that it was the multiple whiplashes that I have had over decades of my life, coupled with some improper food issues, and a lack of mindfulness. Understanding the gut-brain connection was also invaluable. I am leaving the program because I learned what other practitioners I may need to seek out to continue working toward optimal health. I now know I can get better as I age, instead of worrying about a steady decline. This program works! It is life changing/saving, and I will always be grateful to everyone connected with making it available. Thank you, and God Bless you all!!!
Thank you for the positive feedback and we really appreciate you sharing the benefits of the concussion fix!
So my insurer has again refused to cover this program and is asking for more information. We had previously provided the concussion fix program letter to the previous adjudicator. We will resubmit that letter but Is there any other written material that we can provide? Thanks
Unfortunately that’s really all we have
can you find out more about what they might want?
I feel my concussion issues have been addressed wonderfully! I am still struggling with my ankle that has been flaring up repeatedly since I injured it over 18 months ago. I have had x-ray, ultrasound, bone scan and these haven’t shown any issues with my ankle. I am waiting for an MRI since August 2024 and it is scheduled for October 2025. I have many treatments for the ankle, physio, manual therapy, laser therapy, acupuncture and just as I start to get better something happens to set me back. Things like tripping, over use, repeated bending, lack of sleep, slipping and other. I originally injured it by dropping my lap top on it. I believe it was due to my neck and lack of coordination and propioceptive issues from being on the laptop for more than my neck could tolerate. I have been not able to walk or go to a grocery store and even drive since the injury. I am still doing the CF diet to help manage inflammation and plan to get blood work in the next month to to see where my inflammation markers are now. This has been going on for about 18 months now. I do have an appointment with a chiropractor who works on ankles and would like to treat it with shockwave therapy . I am wondering if you can give me any thoughts or input on what else I can try to help with ankle injury recovery. Would appreciate any insights you may have on this. It seems to be the predominant challenge I have now.
Thank you again for the important work you do!